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HomeWhy Join?

Membership Benefits: 

•TO SKI/SNOWBOARD.  Our membership includes skiers and snowboarders of all abilities. Each year you will have the opportunity to take advantage of group rates on ski trips to major resorts in North America and Europe with the best snow conditions and apres ski activities. Most trips are 7 days (longer for international trips) giving you ample slope days improve your techniques, ski with someone of similar ability, or challenge yourself by skiing with someone a level above you.

•TO TRAVEL. Los Amigos organizes 8-10 trips to U.S. and global destinations providing skiers and non-skiers a variety of adventures.  Our destinations range from the exotic locations such as Egypt and the Galapagos to popular European destinations.  By traveling with Los Amigos, you’ll be making memories with friends and taking advantage of group discount rates.

•TO SOCIALIZE. Los Amigos is a friendly club. In addition to travel, we host monthly happy hours, holiday parties, and local and regional outings.

There are currently 220 members (individuals, family, and retired military).  There are plenty of trips from skiing to scuba diving to interest groups from cycling to hiking. Amigos enjoy spending time together exploring new and favorite spots in our metropolitan city and beyond. 

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